Author Archives: Scott McGreal

Romantic Love, Casual Sex, and Human Ecology – Scott McGreal (Unique—Like Everybody Else)

Do harsh environments foster short-term mating, and rich ones long-term commitments? Environmental effects on reproductive strategies are more complicated than one might think.

What is “Spiritual Intelligence” Anyway? – Scott McGreal (Unique—Like Everybody Else)

If "spiritual intelligence" is a real thing, what might it consist of? Probably, elements of personality, intelligence, and altered states of consciousness.

Is “Spiritual Intelligence” a Valid Concept? – Scott McGreal (Unique—Like Everybody Else)

"Spiritual intelligence" has been popularized in recent years as an "alternative" intelligence based on little evidence, However, could the concept have some scientific merit?

Understanding the Personality of Moral Rebels – Scott McGreal (Unique—Like Everybody Else)

What does it take to do the right thing in the face of social pressure to conform? And what does this suggest for claims that moral behavior is controlled by situational forces?

Is Using Profanity a Sign of Honesty? – Scott McGreal (Unique—Like Everybody Else)

A recent paper suggests that profanity may be a reflection of emotional honesty and candor. However, closer examination of the studies' results casts doubt on this idea.

The Fundamental Errors of Situationism – Scott McGreal (Unique—Like Everybody Else)

Are people really "pure dispositionalists" who underestimate the "power of the situation" to influence behavior? A closer look at the evidence suggests these claims are overhyped.

The Fundamental Attribution Error is Overrated – Scott McGreal (Unique—Like Everybody Else)

Does the so-called fundamental attribution error deserve to be more widely known? The importance of this phenomenon has actually been blown out of all proportion.

The Paradox of Conscientious Prisoners – Scott McGreal (Unique—Like Everybody Else)

Criminals are usually lower than normal people in conscientiousness, yet a new study finds that prisoners are higher in this trait. What can explain this apparent paradox?

Are Psychopaths Really Smarter Than the Rest of Us? – Scott McGreal (Unique—Like Everybody Else)

There is a popular belief that psychopaths are highly intelligent, but this isn't true. What accounts for this misconception?

What is the Link Between Heroism and Antisocial Behavior? – Scott McGreal (Unique—Like Everybody Else)

Research suggests a seemingly paradoxical link between antisocial behavior and heroism. Psychopathy has been suggested as a linking factor, but this seems unlikely.