Reviewer Award

ARP Reviewer Award

The goal of the Reviewer Award is to recognize individuals who provide excellent service to the field of personality through constructive peer review. This award is also meant to encourage thoughtful and constructive engagement with the peer review process.

For as long as scientific achievement is characterized by publication in scientific journals, peer review will be a major – if not the most significant – factor in determining which endeavors and which scientists influence a field. The service of peer reviewing a manuscript has the potential to elevate rigorous, creative, and important work which can advance a field; improve research through constructive feedback; and limit weak or problematic research. However, despite the value of thoughtful peer review, this practice is largely unrewarded and there are few to no incentives for performing quality service. A lack of incentives for thoughtful reviews discourages scientists from investing valuable time to perform this service well, if at all.

2023 Award Winners

Chris Conway, Fordham University
Jessie Sun, Washington University
Kay Brauer, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Matthew Southward, University of Kentucky
Nicholas Holtzman, Southeastern Louisiana University
Radosław Rogoza, University of Lleida