Letter from the Editors

Kathryn Bollich-Ziegler & John Rauthmann

John Rauthmann Kathryn Bollich

Welcome to the new edition of P!

The past few months have been challenging in ways we have never experienced before. The COVID-19 pandemic has meant health concerns, physical distancing, and isolation for people across the globe. In the USA, police shootings and protests have brought focus and additional awareness to the racial injustices experienced by Black people. Many of us have missed out on in-person connections at conferences, not to mention canceled visits with family, friends, or holiday travel. Over the past months we have also seen innumerable cases of resilience, support, and creativity. As these issues all affect us in individual and collective ways, we hope that you and your loved ones are well.

In the spirit of the turbulences we referenced above, we want to especially direct your attention to the Statement Against Racism and Racial Injustice from ARP’s Executive Committee. Of course, you will also find updates from ARP’s officers, as well as ARP’s Publications, Awards, Training, and Graduate Student and Post-Doc Committees.

We also have award interviews from the winners of the Jack Block Award for Distinguished Research in Personality (Brent Roberts) and the J.S. Tanaka Personality Dissertation Award (Manon van Scheppingen), as well as a special section on teaching personality, with pieces from Rebecca Shiner and Yanna Weisberg. We invite anyone with activities, assignments, advice, or other topics on teaching personality to contact us for inclusion in a future issue!

In addition to updates from ARP, this issue also includes reports from affiliated journals and societies, including information on ARP’s relationship with Collabra: Psychology’s Personality section, who we’ll hear from in the next issue of P. Also included are reports from the European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP), European Journal of Personality (EJP), Social Psychological and Personality Science (SPPS), and EAPP’s new journal, Personality Science.

With this issue of P, we also welcome our new newsletter web editor, Sara Masland, and new ARP webmaster, David Condon. We also send our gratitude to Chris Soto and Ben Johnson for all their wonderful work on ARP’s online presence over the years! We’d like to take this opportunity to also remind readers about The Personality Meta-Blog, where you can read the latest writing on personality science and request to have your own blog added to this central location. Finally, please look out for an email from us before the next issue of P requesting links to news media reports highlighting work of ARP members.


Kathryn & John