Letter from the Editors

Kathryn Bollich & John Rauthmann

John Rauthmann Kathryn Bollich

Welcome to the new edition of P,

It took a while, but it is finally here — just in time shortly before this summer's highlight, the ARP meeting 2019 in Grand Rapids.

We took over editing P from Jon and Erik, who we'd like to thank for all their hard work and dedication editing this newsletter for the last years. We know we have big shoes to fill, but we will do our best to provide you with informative and interesting newsletters in the next years.

This newsletter looks like most other ones before, with the familiar bulletheads of ARP Reports, reports from Associated Journals and Organizations, interviews from scholars who got Awards, information on Upcoming Conferences and News, and a Sponsors section (Hogan Assessment System has again generously sponsored ARP efforts). However, there is one difference: There are many more awardees and thus more interviews!

This does not only reflect the fact that there is a new award category (the Emerging Scholar Award), but in our eyes also that personality psychology is flourishing. In particular, we have many younger, hungry, and fiercely competent scholars (see the Emerging Scholar, Tanaka, and Early Career Awards), and we should be very proud of them. Of course, we can also be proud of more established colleagues (see the Service and Murray Award) who have dedicated much of their lives to studying personality and serving the field. That's why it is an especial pleasure that we have interviews of all awardees in this newsletter. Please go check them out because they have really fantastic advice and stimulating perspectives to share.

Personality psychology, it seems, thus will be in a good place. We have stellar people, and we study the nature and intricacies of human nature. That makes us broad, inclusive, and diverse — and, may we also add, a natural scientific source when talking about inclusion and diversity. Indeed, which other scientific discipline champions human diversity more than ours? This is also something we can be proud of. And the ARP executive board is also working hard to ensure that everyone can feel included and supported by ARP. This is an important effort because science is a cumulative and cooperative process — and the only way to move forward will be to work together and let everyone partake.

We hope you will enjoy this newsletter and wish you a fabulous summer!

Best wishes,

John & Kathryn