Schedule of the 2005 Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Personality

Sheraton New Orleans, 500 Canal St., New Orleans, LA, 70130

January 19-20, 2005


Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2005:  Napoleon C1, 3rd Floor


6:00-6:15 PM  Welcoming Remarks


6:15-7:15         Opening Address: William Swann, Univ. of Texas

Personality Psychology’s Comeback and its Emerging Synthesis with Social Psychology

Introduction by Sam Gosling, Univ. of Texas


7:15-7:30         Tribute to Doug Jackson & Jerry Wiggins


7:30-9:00         Poster Session with Cash Bar (Napoleon C2 & C3, 3rd Floor)


9:00                 ARP Executive Meeting



Thursday, Jan. 20, 2005:  Grand C, 5th Floor


7:30 AM          Coffee


8:00-9:30         Presidential Symposium: The International Personality Item Pool and the Future of Public-Domain Personality Measures 

Speakers: Lewis R. Goldberg, Oregon Research Institute; Robert Hogan, Hogan Assessment; John A. Johnson, Penn State; Michael C. Ashton, Univ. of Western Ontario; Herbert Eber, Psychological Resources; Harrison Gough, UC-Berkeley; C. Robert Cloninger, Washington Univ., St. Louis.  


9:30-10:30       Symposium: Personality Stability & Change

Speakers: Dan Mroczek, Fordham Univ. & Avron Spiro, Boston VA Medical Center; Constance Jones, Fresno State; Franz J. Neyer & Judith Lehnert, Humboldt Univ., Berlin


10:30-10:45     Break


10:45-12:00     Block Award Symposium in Honor of Harrison Gough

Speakers: Robert Hogan, Hogan Assessments; John A. Johnson, Penn State Univ.; Pamela Bradley, UC-Berkeley; Sandra Davis, MDA Leadership Group-Minneapolis; Robert McHenry, Oxford Psychological Press.


12:00-1:30       Lunch and Announcements

                        Remarks by ARP President Lew Goldberg, Oregon Research Institute;

Remarks by Representative of the European Assn. for Personality Psychology (EAPP), Marco Perugini, Univ. of Essex;

Report from JRP Editor Lynne Cooper, Univ. of Missouri


1:30-3:00         Symposium: Integrating the Variant and the Invariant in Personality

Speakers: Carolyn Morf, Univ. of Bern; William Fleeson, Wake Forest Univ.; Lisa Feldman-Barrett, Boston College; Discussants: David Funder, UC-Riverside, Walter Mischel, Columbia Univ.


3:00-4:00         J.S. Tanaka Dissertation Award Winner Talk: Marc A. Fournier

Introduction by Brent Roberts, Univ. of Illinois